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Showing posts from July, 2020

Kubernetes and Calico development environment as easy as a flick

I became an active member of the Calico community so I had to build my own development environment from zero. It wasn't trivial for many reasons but mainly because I have MacOS on my machine and not all of the features of Calico are available on my main operating system. The setup also makes some sense on Linux hosts, because if the node controller runs locally it might make changes to the system, which always has some risk in the playing cards. The other big challenge was that I wanted to start any version of Kubernetes with the ability to do changes in it next to Calico. Exactly I had to prepare two tightly coupled environments. My idea was to create a virtual machine with Linux on it, configure development environments for both projects in the VM and use VSCode 's nice remote development feature for code editing. In this way projects are hosted on the target operating system, I don't risk my system, I don't have to deal with poor file system sync between host a...