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Showing posts with the label Ballerina

First impressions of the new Cloud Native programming language Ballerina

Nowadays everything is Cloud Native; everybody talks about CN tools, frameworks, solutions, and so on. On the other hand, those tools totally changed the way we design, develop, test and release modern applications. I think the number of issues that we solved with the new concepts is equal to the number of new challenges, so in short,     we simply shoveled problems from one hole to the other. Many new tools appeared on the market to make developers' life easier by integrating software with the underlying infrastructure watching file changes and building containers automatically generating resource descriptors on the fly allowing debugging in a running container etc. Next to the new tools, new programming languages such as Metaparticle , Pulumi or Ballerina have been born. The last one had my attention because others are extensions on top of some existing languages, while Ballerina is a brand new programming language, des...